Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual reality is an new phenomenon that will only continue to grow with its new softwares. It connects the real world with the digital world. Virtual worlds can be used for many situations, such as gaming, education, work, delivery services, health care, and the office. In the article, Going to The Virtual Office in Second Life, it states that, “The company's Enterprise tool will let employees' avatars -- animated alter egos -- meet in virtual worlds from the privacy of a company's own network, rather than the public networks used in standard Second Life.” The company tapped into a new market, which is believed to be more a useful tool and more beneficial than video-calling. Employees can use virtual tools to guide themselves when collaborating with other animated alter egos (co-workers). It also saves travel time and has become more engaging than reality itself through the 3D features.
           Along with using virtual reality within the office, it can also be used in classrooms. This can make education more interactive. In the article, The Virtual World Moves into the Classroom, the teacher claims that virtual reality helped engage her students more. They were able to take a virtual tour through Versailles, which made the students more interactive and gain experiences. This also reduces travelling costs. Even though this may seem very exciting, there are still cons. For example, this begins to limit social interactions and promotes lack of communication. Children will begin to lose daily human interactions and soon become consumed with virtual reality, instead of living in the presence. It’ll become an issue in the long run.  
           Regardless of the lack of communication, virtual worlds can foster creativity. Even through educational uses, children can learn to be more creative within the classrooms, which will make them want to learn more. Also they can use virtual reality in their leisure time through other virtual reality consoles. Many can create a whole new life and world through their avatars. They can tour any city or country they wish. This will both keep them creative and get them creative experiences. The things many wish they can do, but can not afford it; it can be done through virtual worlds. The possibilities are broad.
           In the future, virtual worlds may take over the world. It can consume the minds of many people. It can be seen in a optimistic or pessimistic lens. There might be even more rising issues of loss of communications. Many people might become addicted to it. Even if it fosters creativity and promotes education, there should always be a limited access. Many might become obsessed and forget about reality. There should be a balance of both, so it can be used in a more positive sense.

Going to the Virtual Office in Second Life, Nov 5, 2009 or below.
The virtual world moves into the classroom Posted by Joe Earle | Sep 14, 2018


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