File sharing is the practice of distributing online data and file from one computer to another through a network. Many are able to share data and information through file sharing. P2P file sharing is similar, but stands for ‘peer to peer,’ which allows the files to be shared through a P2P software or the internet. P2P file sharing includes, sharing music, videos, games, reports, data, etc. In my internship, my whole team is connected to one single network, where we all can access the files to reports and such. This means we all share all the same information and data. Information can also be shared through Google Drive, Blackboard, Dropbox. But this means one person must give permission to allow others to access the information. In a more colloquial sense, music and videos can also be downloaded and shared. But some may not always have permission to do so. There are websites that allow people to download music and videos from YouTube without consent, which then is considered copyrighted. In the article, Should Online Scofflaw Be Denied Web Access, it discusses the violations of copyright law. This is a large issue and Sweden has sought out a new law that obtains these copyright violators through their internet IP addresses. I believe that copyrighting is inevitable, but now there are subscriptions that can be bought to avoid it. There is Youtube Red, Netflix, Hulu, Showtime, Tidal, Apple Music, and Spotify, which allows you to access any music or videos without needing to illegally download it. As long as you pay their fee, breaking the law is avoidable.

Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?" by ERIC PFANNER, The New York Times, April 13, 2009, p. B4. Available at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/13/technology/internet/13iht-piracy13.html


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