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As most magicians say, “A magician never reveals his secrets.” We live in a world where people are constantly coming up with great new innovative ideas. There is always room for creativity and new ideas. I believe that New Media still has a lot of ways to improve because society and minds are constantly growing. But the internet is public, as we learned from our New Media Course. Many people have access to our blogs and a lot of our personal information, just like we wrote about in our Privacy blogs. Also, many people practice copyright violations, like we learned from our P2P blog. So I am choosing to keep the new media that hasn’t been created yet to myself. In the near future, I plan on making it come true and if I write about it, in my very public blog, someone else can take my idea and make it come true before I can. Just like magicians don’t reveal their secrets, an innovator does the same, till she can create those secrets herself.

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